Cobin Angels

A Business Angels club that connects the best startups with active investors.

Warszawa, Polska 🇺🇸
Company size
UX/UI Design
Webflow Development
Problem & Solution
Building unique

The club was created for individuals in managerial positions at international corporations who are considering the next steps in their careers.

The website needed to reflect the high-end culture of the club while also creating a welcoming atmosphere. The content had to prominently display hard data, which is a crucial decision-making factor for people in managerial roles.

From customer
Cooperation with Dawid was and remains a pleasure for us. He is excellent at reading the client's business needs and creatively implementing them. What is very important, he realizes that design and appropriate user experience are tools to achieve commercial goals, not art for art's sake.
Paweł Michalski
Managing Partner in Cobin Angels